- Customers
- Water and wastewater
- Power
- Remote customers
- Pricing & tariffs
- Need more time to pay
- Payment options
- Moving & building
- Safety
- Information about COVID-19
- How we prepare for emergencies
- How we respond to and recover from emergencies
- Know what to do when severe weather comes through
- Getting reconnected
- Work safety and access
- Alerts
- Safety around powerlines
- Electrical safety
- Generator safety and use
- Safety around trees and powerlines
- Solar PV system safety
- Online services
- Access water filling stations
- Apply for a payment extension
- Apply for a water leak allowance
- Apply for prepayment meter
- Before You Dig location request
- Compensation claim form
- Connections and disconnections
- Contact us
- Customer compliment
- Direct debit request
- Estimate your usage
- Feedback or general enquiry
- Install a new water meter
- Install a standby generator
- Jabiru power
- Living Water Smart customer rebate registration form
- Odour reporting form
- Old Payment Result
- Pay your bill online
- Payment Received
- Permanent removal of services and/or meters
- Report a fault
- Report a faulty streetlight
- Request a Guaranteed Service Levels (GSL) review
- Install insulated covers
- Request to draw water
- Submit a meter read
- Unsolicited Proposal Form
- Update details
- submit-a-meter-read-online
- Have your say
- Commercial customers
- Living Water Smart customer rebate registration form
- Saving energy
- Outages and works
- Outages and works
- Developers
- Water development
- Water development process
- Standards and guidelines
- Water services products manual
- As-constructed documentation format for water and sewer gifted assets
- Sewer connections procedure for land and building developments
- Pumped water systems guidelines
- CCTV inspection of sewers and maintenance structures
- Disinfection procedures for water mains and services
- Test procedures for pressure and gravity pipes and maintenance structures
- Multi-metering of water supply for unit titled developments
- NT Supplements to WSAA Codes (2002)
- Development fees and charges
- Accreditation
- Backflow prevention
- Trade waste
- Application forms
- Portable water meter
- Power development
- Remote development
- Standard Drawings
- Developers downloads
- Development contacts
- Water development
- Wholesale Market
- Pricing & tariffs
- About us
- What we do
- Regulation
- Projects
- Current projects
- Past projects
- Salonika elevated water tank roof replacement
- Leanyer Sanderson Waste Stabilisation Ponds inlet works upgrade
- Improving Borroloola water
- Manymak Energy Efficiency Project
- Leanyer Sanderson Waste Stabilisation Ponds
- Fishermans Place water main works
- Sadadeen Substation upgrade
- Rapid Creek and Lakeside pump stations sewerage main upgrade
- McMinns water tanks cleaning program
- Bittern Street water main replacement
- Larapinta water tank maintenance
- Borroloola to Garawa water main
- Casuarina elevated water tank roof replacement
- Solar energy transformation program
- Katherine 9ML water tank roof replacement
- Palmerston Waste Stabilisation Ponds desludging
- Essential maintenance at Leanyer Sanderson Inlet Works
- Rapid Creek Road water main replacement
- Pine Creek Substation upgrade
- Sadadeen Water Tank - cleaning and maintenance works
- Katherine 4.5ML water tank roof replacement
- Sewer network upgrade – Lakeside Drive/Trower Road intersection
- Adelaide River water mains replacement
- Leanyer Sanderson waste stabilisation ponds inspection and maintenance works
- Alice Springs tree replacement program
- Leanyer Sanderson Waste Stabilisation Ponds Desludging
- Undergrounding power supply to Darwin schools
- Alice Springs vegetation maintenance program
- Reconciliation
- Working with us
- Gas
- Community
- Publications
- News & media
- Accessibility and known issues
- Disclaimer
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- water-leak-allowance-form
- home-energy-calculator
- Customer Hardship Policy
- Domestic and family violence policy
- portable-water-meter
- life-support
- register-to-shape-our-future
- prepayment-meter
- google-play
- student-survey
- bush-school-teacher-survey
- teacher-survey
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- basic-connection
- large-connection
- negotiated-connection
- embedded-generation-commissioning-sheet
- account-management-survey
- eoi-community-batteries-program
- faults
- prepaid
- power-meter-works