Giving our residential customers a hand to stay connected

At Power and Water, we understand that customers may encounter temporary or ongoing hardship caused by any number of reasons. We know that during these times, financial pressures can mount, adding to the stress of the situation.

Being Territorians ourselves, we’re committed to assisting our customers and making a difference. To do this, we have partnered with a number of welfare agencies and financial counselling services to administer our Bill Relief program. The program is designed to support our residential customers experiencing financial difficulties who just need a hand to get on top of their outstanding bills issued by Power and Water.

Every year, we provide an agreed budget to our partnering agencies, who in turn provide financial advice and assistance to our customers who may be experiencing financial difficulties. They allocate funds throughout the course of that financial year up to the limit of the agreed budget.

Our partnering agencies may provide an e-voucher to our residential customers experiencing financial hardship that can only be used against the customer’s Power and Water account relating to their home.

Who can apply for the Bill Relief program?

The Bill Relief program is available to our residential customers who intend to pay their Power and Water issued bills, but do not have the financial capacity to pay within the timeframe set out in our payment terms.

How are e-voucher applications assessed?

Our partnering agencies will follow their normal case management procedures to assess the amount of financial support they deem suitable to provide to an applicant.

It is important to note that Power and Water does not decide nor have input to the level of assistance given.

How can the e-vouchers be used?

Bill Relief e-vouchers can only be used to help pay the approved applicant’s home Power and Water account.

What is the maximum amount of an e-voucher?

The e-voucher provided may be up to, but not exceeding the outstanding balance due on the customer’s home Power and Water account.

The total value of assistance given will not put a customer’s Power and Water account into a credit balance.

How are approved Bill Relief e-voucher payments applied?

If the assessing agency determines eligibility, they will contact Power and Water’s Credit Management team to lodge a Bill Relief e-voucher on the customer’s behalf.

The e-voucher will be applied as an approved payment to the appropriate Power and Water account.

What about restricted services and debt collection?

Where restriction has taken place, or is imminent, customers should call Power and Water’s Credit Management team on 1800 245 093 to determine if Bill Relief assistance can be applied to reconnect the service.

In consultation with any approved Bill Relief assistance, customers should engage with our Credit Management team to make additional payment arrangements to cover any outstanding balances.

Our Credit Management team will work with customers to negotiate payment plans that work for all parties involved wherever possible.

How to apply for the Bill Relief program

Customers can contact any of our partnering agencies listed below to make an appointment with a financial councillor to discuss their situation:

Please note: Customers seeking assistance will need to provide a copy of their bill issued by Power and Water when attending the appointment.

Continuing contact with our Credit Management team

Our Credit Management team will continue to work with customers who have outstanding bills. Our intention is to negotiate agreed payment arrangements and provide support where we can.

Whether the support of one of our partnering agencies is requested or not, if customers need a bit more time to pay their bills the following options are available.

Contact our Credit Management team direct on 1800 245 093 to discuss the options.

For agency use

Call Power and Water's Credit Management team direct on 1800 245 093 and have the following information available:

  • customer's name
  • customer's bill or notice issued by Power and Water
  • customer identification number (from bill or notice)
  • name of your agency.