In certain industries like construction, individuals may receive portable meters for intermittent consumption across various locations where normal service is not reasonable.
We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional custodians of this land and are committed to reconciliation among all Australians.
WaterWater supply may be interrupted due to emergency repairs.
Water supply may be interrupted due to emergency repairs.
Wed 26 Mar09:00amUnknown
Wed 26 Mar09:00am
Katherine, Roper Gulf and Vic DalyBeswick
Power✅ 7.55 AM - Crew has located fault and restore power. 👷♂️ 7:30 AM - Crew patrolling powerlines to locate fault. Next update approx. 9:00 AM. ⚠️💡Crew responding. Next update approx. 7:30 AM.
✅ 7.55 AM - Crew has located fault and restore power. 👷♂️ 7:30 AM - Crew patrolling powerlines to locate fault. Next update approx. 9:00 AM. ⚠️💡Crew responding. Next update approx. 7:30 AM.
Wed 26 Mar04:30amUnknown
Wed 26 Mar04:30am
Darwin - city and suburbsWulagi
PowerPower supply may be interrupted for maintenance works between 9:30am - 10:30am and 2:30pm-3:30pm.
Power supply may be interrupted for maintenance works between 9:30am - 10:30am and 2:30pm-3:30pm.
Darwin - city and suburbsCoonawarraHidden ValleyWinnellieWoolner East ArmTivendaleWishart Yarrawonga Jabiru
Vegetation-managementInfrastructure Vegetation Management Services Australia will be trimming vegetation in the area.
Infrastructure Vegetation Management Services Australia will be trimming vegetation in the area.
Mon 24 Mar08:00amFri 28 Mar04:30pm
Mon 24 Mar08:00am
Fri 28 Mar04:30pm
Darwin - city and suburbsCasuarina
PowerTo maintain power supply while works take place a generator will be installed at Trower Rd, Casuarina. The noise level in this area may increase during use.
To maintain power supply while works take place a generator will be installed at Trower Rd, Casuarina. The noise level in this area may increase during use.
Wed 19 Mar07:00amFri 28 Mar04:30pm
Wed 19 Mar07:00am
Fri 28 Mar04:30pm
Trower Road - 247, 248, 266, 270, 274
Darwin - city and suburbsMarrara
We are replacing the underground power cables in McMillans Road, Marrara.
Works will take place Monday to Friday between 8am and 5pm and on Saturdays from 9am to 4pm.
We are replacing the underground power cables in McMillans Road, Marrara.
Works will take place Monday to Friday between 8am and 5pm and on Saturdays from 9am to 4pm.
Mon 17 Mar08:00amWed 30 Apr05:00pm
Mon 17 Mar08:00am
Wed 30 Apr05:00pm
McMillans Road
Darwin - city and suburbsMalak
We are replacing the underground power cables in Malak. Works will take place Monday to Friday between 8am and 5pm and on Saturdays from 9am to 4pm.
We are replacing the underground power cables in Malak. Works will take place Monday to Friday between 8am and 5pm and on Saturdays from 9am to 4pm.
Tue 04 Mar08:00amSat 31 May04:00pm
Tue 04 Mar08:00am
Sat 31 May04:00pm
Fawcett Court Gribbon Place Jindare Street Magdelene Court Ross Street Tabletop Place
Darwin - city and suburbsKarama
PowerWe are replacing the underground power cables in Applegum Dr, Livistonia Rd, and Mahogany Cres, Karama. Works will take place Monday to Friday between 8am and 5pm and on Saturdays from 9am to 4pm.
We are replacing the underground power cables in Applegum Dr, Livistonia Rd, and Mahogany Cres, Karama. Works will take place Monday to Friday between 8am and 5pm and on Saturdays from 9am to 4pm.
Mon 24 Feb07:00amWed 30 Apr04:00pm
Mon 24 Feb07:00am
Wed 30 Apr04:00pm
Applegum Dr Livistonia Rd Mahogany Cres
Darwin - city and suburbsNakara
Power We will be inspecting power service lines around Nakara from 1 February to 31 March 2025.
We will be inspecting power service lines around Nakara from 1 February to 31 March 2025.
Sat 01 Feb07:00amMon 31 Mar04:00pm
Sat 01 Feb07:00am
Mon 31 Mar04:00pm
Adcock Trower Road Nakara Tce Rattray Griffe St Copeland Cres Kilfoyle St Witherdon Street Macredie St Cahill Cres Truscott St Croker St Goodman St Bradshaw Terrace Symes St Rowling St Goodman Street Buchanan Trc Dripstone Road