Jabiru connections and disconnections are actioned on Wednesdays only. Power and Water must receive these applications by 12 noon Tuesday to be actioned on the Wednesday.

Connection address
Jabiru connections and disconnections are actioned on Wednesdays only. Connection and disconnection requests must be received by Tuesday 12pm to be actioned on Wednesday.

Your details
If you are an existing Power and Water customer this number will be found on your bill and is between 5 and 9 digits long, usually beginning with 0
Is your postal address the same as your connection address? This is where we will send any bills
If different to your connection address, this is where we will send any bills
Please provide one form of photo ID *
For example, the State or Territory where your identification was issued

The NT Concession Scheme provides concessions on a range of essential goods and services to help with living expenses.

Additional authority

Additional authority personal info
Level of authority *
Please provide one form of photo ID *
For example, the State or Territory where your identification was issued

Tell us about access to the property
Locked gates or dogs will prevent us from completing your connection request. Ensure that you have no access issues to your property.
Are you or anyone in your household currently self-isolating as a precaution for COVID-19?

Life support customers
Is there a life support patient registered with our Life Support Customer Register at this property? *

If you or someone at your home uses life support equipment, it's important that you let us or your electricity retailer know and keep us up to date with your situation.
Learn more about our Life Support Customer Register

Do you operate life support equipment at this address? *
Provide details about the equipment used at this property. For example, a registered medical practitioner certifies that oxygen concentrators, intermittent peritoneal dialysis machines, kidney dialysis machines, chronic positive airways pressure respirators, crigler najjar syndrome phototherapy equipment, ventilators for life support, and any other necessary equipment are required for life support.

Please confirm the following
I/We understand that in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 *
I/We accept that *
I/We acknowledge that *
I/We give consent to Power and Water Corporation *
I/We acknowledge that *
I/We acknowledge that *
I/We accept that *
A CoC confirms the electrical work completed meets all the necessary regulatory requirements and is safe to connect to the electricity network.