Transmission connections process

This information is for commercial customers wanting to connect to our 66kV and higher electricity transmission networks.

Our connection process consists of the 6 stages shown below.  We have also provided an overview of steps involved to assist you in the connection process and to provide the necessary information.

Stage 1


Stage 2


Stage 3

Connection application and agreement

Stage 4

Capital delivery/ electrical construction

Stage 5

Compliance and commissioning

Stage 6
Ongoing performance and compliance monitoring

Connection steps from initial enquiry to post commissioning

  1. Initial enquiry: Submit your initial enquiry with details of the proposed connection via email to our Major Customer Connections team.
  2. Pre-feasibility: We will engage with you and provide a connection engagement package for your connection arrangement.
  3. Formal enquiry: Submit a formal connection enquiry using the Large Connection Enquiry Form, providing the specific details as outlined in the pre-feasibility response.
  4. Detailed response: We will provide a detailed response outlining the specific network requirements relating to your connection.
  5. Application submission: Submit a compliant connection application supported by your connection package, studies and appropriate models.
  6. Connection offer: We will provide you with a connection offer to formalise the agreement.
  7. Commissioning: We will witness the commissioning of your final connection and/or generation system.
  8. Joint market registration: This includes NTESMO, Utilities Commission etc. We cannot finalise your connection without these approvals.
  9. Compliance to validate connection package: You will need to provide post-commissioning documentation.

    Email Major Customer Connections  Complete the Large Connection Enquiry Form  

Documents to assist you

The following suite of documents provide a high level of information on our generic technical requirements, including our typical standards and layouts for equipment, the contracts that govern connections and our connection enquiry and application fees (and related terms and conditions).

We have published the below information in accordance with Schedule 5.10 of the National Electricity Rules as modified for the Northern Territory.