
About the Strategy

Placing our customers at the centre

A roadmap to modernise our business, delivering sustainable value safely and reliably for our customers and community.

In 2023, Power and Water Corporation commenced a significant engagement process to enhance existing efforts and introduce new actions to improve the experiences of our customers.

This extensive engagement process included more than 300 hours of listening to customers, stakeholders and partners, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members, our own employees and more.

Grounded in our broader strategic plan, the result is a clearly defined mission that sits at the heart of our Customer Experience Strategy:

Anticipate. Engage. Empower.

Our goal is to anticipate customers’ needs, engage meaningfully and empower them to make informed decisions.

The strategy identifies 3 customer experience objectives with six aligned customer experience principles which will guide all of our efforts moving forward.

Our focus is on prioritising relationships, taking responsibility and communicating openly – making interactions with Power and Water as transparent, reliable and empowering as possible.

Why we have created a customer experience framework: a strategic blueprint

Introducing a customer experience framework serves as a strategic blueprint to guide the delivery of customer experience initiatives consistently and is foundational to understanding and meeting customer expectations:

  • Strategic alignment: The framework ensures that Power and Water’s efforts towards enhancing customer experiences are aligned with its broader business objectives.
  • Customer centricity: By embedding customer-centric principles into Power and Water's DNA, the framework ensures decisions are made with the customer's needs and preferences at the forefront.
  • Adaptability: In today's evolving market conditions, adaptability is key to growth and innovating for a sustainable future.
  • Measurement and improvement: A structured framework incorporates mechanisms for measuring performance and outcomes against customer expectations.



Defining our customer

We have refined our definition of customer to refer to individuals or businesses who benefit from the services we provide, including power, water, wastewater, and gas.

We also partner with retailers, generators, developers and government partners to serve our customers.