Water use moves into the 'red'
As temperatures rise across the region, Katherine’s water use has moved into Power and Water’s ‘red zone’.
The red zone indicates water consumption is greater than 10 million litres per day and puts pressure on the safe buffer between the consumption and supply of PFAS free water.
Power Water said that while current use is still below average for this time of year, it is really testing the capacity of its treatment plant’s limited ability to supply PFAS free water.
The Regional Coordinator of Water Services, Ron Davidson, said compulsory water conservation measures have been effective in reducing daily demand.
“Maintaining watering free Fridays is increasingly critical as we head toward the build-up when Katherine’s water usage traditionally increases” Ron said.
“Because we are saving water every Friday we have been able to bank a little extra water in the tanks to get us through the days where water demand had been outstripping production.”
“We can see that most of the community are following the measures but we need everyone to commit to reducing their garden irrigation and not watering at all on Fridays.
“Residents can also reduce the amount of time their sprinklers are on by five or 10 minutes and having short showers.
“It also won’t matter if lawns brown off a little because rain isn’t too far away.”
Power and Water Living Water Smart staff will be in town this week discussing water saving measures with Katherine’s large businesses and organisations that use significant amounts of water.
Leak checkers were back in town last week to check progress on repairs to 310 leaks found in May this year. So far 221 of those leaks have been fixed which has saved over 130,000 litres a day.
Riverview Tourist Village recently found and fixed two leaks and as a result have saved nearly 28,000 litres of water every day, equivalent saving 120 wheelie bins full of water every day.
Riverview Tourist Village Manager Craig Batten said finding and fixing the leaks has made Riverview’s owners very happy.
“We feel good as we know the importance of not wasting water in Katherine. We have to preserve our water to make sure our tap water is safe for drinking,” Mr Batten said.
Power and Water is continuing to work on the preliminary planning for an additional water treatment plant, which is expected to be in place at the end of 2019.
For more information about the rebates on offer visit www.katherinelivingwatersmart.com.au
Contact: Media unit
Phone: 0401 117 599