Leak Checkers return to Katherine to keep on top of water leaks
Leak Checkers from Power and Water’s Living Water Smart team hit the streets in Katherine this week to help find and fix water leaks.
It is the second year that the Katherine Community Leak Program is operating, after last year’s program helped to save 180 million litres of water, equivalent to 750,000 wheelie bins of water.
“With the community’s ongoing help to reduce water use by finding and fixing leaks, we can help keep the tap water safe”, says Kylie Climie Senior Manager of Power and Water’s Client Services.
“Last year we found 640 leaks in Katherine homes and businesses, with 485 of those fixed, so there is still more work to be done. Around one in four properties had a water leak.
“Leaks can pop up at any time, so even if you fixed a leak last year, it doesn’t mean you’ll be leak-free this year.
“An easy five minute ‘3-Step Leak Check’ can be done
Residents and businesses will receive a card in the mailbox or at their business premised indicating whether or not they may have a leak.
If a leak is present, a $200 Leak
“As the dry season well and truly kicks in we need to continue to manage the amount of water we use and keep it down by around 20%, and we thank the Katherine community for helping to achieve this so far, says Ms Climie.
“Keep an eye out for our team of friendly Leak Checkers on the streets and feel free to stop and say hello, or to ask them anything about water leaks!”
For more information on the Community Leak Program, or to find out about the $200 Leak Find and Fix rebate visit www.katherinelivingwatersmart.com.au.
Contact: Media unit
Phone: 0401 117 599