Leak Checkers return to Katherine to help reduce water waste

Leak Checkers from Power and Water’s Living Water Smart team will be in Katherine next week to identify potential leaks in residential homes.

The award winning Community Leak Program has previously identified over 1100 potential leaks in Katherine homes in 2017 and 2018, uncovering a phenomenal 260 million litres of leaking water.

During the past two years, over 900 residents have taken advantage of a $200 Leak Find and Fix rebate to locate and repair leaks.

Jethro Laidlaw, Power and Water’s Living Water Smart Program Manager praised the Katherine community on how well it has done becoming more water efficient, however is also concerned about the amount of water still being lost through leaks.

“Since the program started in 2017, we have found more leaks than expected. Around one in five homes had a leak, with the average leak being 230,000 litres per year - the same as tipping 958 wheelie bins of water down the drain.”

Over the next two weeks our leak checkers will re-visit all Katherine homes to check the water meters for signs of leaks, including where leaks were previously found to check that they haven’t recurred.

“Thank you to the Katherine community for demonstrating their commitment to save water. We all need to continue work together, as the more water we save, the less stress there is on our water supply,” said Mr Laidlaw.

If leaks are found at properties, leak checkers will leave a reminder card in the mailbox and details about the $200 Leak Find and Fix rebate that is available through local plumbers registered with the program. Residents are encouraged to access this program again and have these leaks fixed.

“Keep an eye out for our friendly leak checkers on the street and feel free to ask them more about the Leak Program and rebate”.

The Living Water Smart team will also be visiting some larger businesses and organisations where leaks were identified and helping them with their water management plans.

For a list of registered plumbers and their contact details or to find out more about the Community Leak Program please go to livingwatersmart.com.au/katherine.


Contact: Media unit
Phone: 0401 117 599

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