How we prepare for emergencies
We’re committed to preparing our network and our teams for all disasters and emergencies. Find out how Power and Water prepare for emergencies and maintain safe infrastructure and services. We prepare for hazards such as bushfires, cyclones storms and floods.
During the dry season in the Top End and winter in Central Australia, we prepare for severe weather and storm season by rolling out a program of network maintenance and upgrades. Our preparations also include:
- vegetation management along water mains and powerlines
- checking and cleaning the sewer network
- training and preparing crews and other employees
- ordering additional standby equipment.
Working together
We work together with Territory-wide and local agencies, so we can plan and prepare more effectively as well as respond and recover quickly.The Bureau of Meteorology regularly provide us with severe weather, storm and cyclone updates. We work closely with Territory agencies involved in emergency management, emergency services and Secure NT.
What you can do
There are plenty of things you can do to prepare for an emergency. You can: