Life support customers

Some customers need specific life support machines at home. These include an oxygen concentrator and a dialysis machine.

If you or someone at home uses life support equipment, please inform us or your electricity retailer. Keep us updated on your situation.

Life support and renewal application

Who can be a life support customer

If you or someone at your home relies on any of the following equipment you are an eligible life support customer:

  • An oxygen concentrator
  • An intermittent peritoneal dialysis machine
  • A kidney dialysis machine
  • A chronic positive airways pressure respirator
  • Crigler-Najjar syndrome phototherapy equipment
  • A ventilator for life support
  • Any other equipment that a registered medical practitioner certifies as required for life support

If this applies to you, or a member of your household, please make sure you register your details with us or your retailer.

We will put your details on the Life Support Customer Register immediately.

How to register

Step 1.Register your life support equipment with us.

By calling us on 1800 245 092 or your electricity retailer

Step 2. Download and print the Life Support and Renewal application.

A registered medical practitioner must complete sections 5 and 6 of the application.

Step 3. Send the completed Life Support and Renewal application to

Our email or, post it to us at

Power and Water Corporation
GPO Box 3596
Darwin NT 0801

Supply interruptions

There are times when we may need to interrupt power and water supplies for our crews to safely carry out essential upgrades or planned maintenance on the networks.

Registered life support customers will be notified five business days prior to any planned service interruptions to give you time to make alternative arrangements for your life support needs. Unfortunately, unplanned service interruptions can occur at any time due to bad weather, wildlife, or unexpected events.

Being a registered life support customer does not mean you are guaranteed an uninterrupted power or water supply.

It is important that you have a back-up emergency management plan prepared and ready to action should the need arise.

Keep up to date with the current power and water supply interruptions

Important contact details

Keep contact details handy for those you may need to call.

Power and Water


General inquiries: 1800 245 092
Remote customers: 1800 245 091
Emergencies and faults: 1800 245 090

Interpreter services

Interpreting Service NT: 8999 8506
Aboriginal Interpreter Service: 1800 334 944

NT Police, Fire & Emergency Services

In case of emergency call 000.

Police assistance: 131 444

For emergency service in floods, storms or cyclones phone 132 500

Visit the SecureNT website for emergency updates, alerts and warnings.

Your contacts

Your doctor or medical practitioner
Your emergency contacts
Your support person
Taxi or transport service.

Keeping your details up to date

If your premises is registered as having someone who requires life support equipment, it's essential that you keep us and your electricity retailer informed of any changes at your premises, including but not limited to:

  • If the account holder is changing and life support status is still required for a resident at the address
  • If you are changing address and still require life support
  • If your contact details change
  • If you change electricity retailers
  • If you no longer wish to be registered as a life support customer

Your electricity retailer and Power and Water will share all relevant life support information.

Renewal and deregistration

Life support customers are reviewed each year to ensure the registration is still required and our records are up-to-date. This process will require you and your doctor to complete and sign the Life Support Application and Renewal PDF, 399.09 KB, to be resubmitted to us annually. You can email or post your completed form to us.

Deregistration can only occur if:

  • You advise us or your electricity retailer that you no longer need to be registered as a life support due to a change in your circumstances
  • You change electricity retailers
  • You haven’t returned your completed Life Support Application and Renewal form within 50 business days from when it is issued