Learn more about the unique water story of your community

Darwin River Dam is Darwin’s and the greater Darwin region's primary water source. The dam refills during the annual wet season.
Learn more about the Darwin Water StoryProviding safe, clean drinking water, straight from the tap
The Territory is expansive, with many isolated regions and differing climates. Wet and dry seasons in the Tropical Top End, and limited rainfall in the Red Centre affect our access to water sources.
We are committed to providing safe drinking water in line with the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. We are responsible for delivering safe drinking water across the majority of the Northern Territory.
Read more about how we maintain a high standard of drinking water and what you can do if you experience a water issue.
Where your water comes from
We provide water to 90 communities across the NT. Water is primarily sourced from groundwater, especially water for remote customers. Darwin, Katherine and some remote communities also rely on surface water sources.
We supply water to 18 urban centres and 72 remote communities
Most towns use groundwater except for Darwin, Katherine and some remote communities
The Darwin River Dam provides 85 per cent of Darwin’s water needs.
Our future water needs
Here for today, planning for tomorrow
We have an important role to play in the Territory’s economic future by delivering a sustainable and secure water supply. We maintain and invest in our infrastructure to continue to provide reliable high-quality services. As the NT population increases and our climate changes, we are committed to matching current and future demand with reliable and sustainable water services. Some of our major projects that are currently underway to meet the NT’s future water needs are listed below.
Per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) Treatment Plant in Katherine
We have worked with the Department of Defence to build a 10ML per day PFAS treatment plant in Katherine.
Manton Dam return to service
We are undertaking project development and design to prepare the dam to be returned to service for Darwin’s water supply.
Adelaide River Off-stream Water Storage Stage 1
The AROWS scheme involves harvesting water from the Adelaide River during the wet season and storing it in a natural geological basin in the Marrakai region.