Power and Water is upgrading old mechanical electricity meters, to new smart meters, and replacing 3G modems on electronic meters, across the Territory.

Smart meters

The new smart meters (electronic interval meters) will provide an accurate digital reading of customers’ electricity use, can be read remotely, and will reduce the need for workers to physically enter customers’ properties.

Smart meters are compatible with rooftop solar export, so customers will not need to purchase a new meter when solar panels are installed.

The upgrade process will require access to the meter and an interruption to power of approximately 30 minutes, while the old meter is disconnected and the new smart meter is installed.

Because the older meters may not have always provided an accurate read, you may notice a change in your recorded electricity use.


Customers should contact their electricity retailer for all billing questions.

If your mobile number or email address is linked to your electricity account we will send you an SMS or email to let you know when we expect to visit your address. We'll also give you contact details for our contractor if you need to arrange a more suitable time to visit.

The smart meters and modems will be owned and maintained by Power and Water at no cost to customers.

For instructions on how to read your meter visit: How to read the electronic interval meter.

Replacing the meter

The meters we’re replacing are almost at the end of their operational life expectancy.

The mechanical meters can slow as they age and the internal parts wear and may not record your usage accurately.

We try to replace them before they fail and while they are still accurate to ensure your electricity usage is measured accurately.

We replace meters in accordance with the National Electricity Rules (Northern Territory).

Our workers need to interrupt your power supply for everyone's safety and to remove the installed meter completely before the new smart meter can be installed and connected.

Please keep pets away from our workers to allow them to safely and quickly complete their work with as little interruption as possible. It will be appreciated if pets are kept in another section of the yard or restrained while our workers are there.

If you have received notification of our contractors intended visit there will be a contact number and email address on your letter. Please contact our contractor direct to arrange a suitable time for them to visit. Alternatively, you can email us at customerservice@powerwater.com.au or call us on 1800 245 092 and one of our contact centre staff will be able to assist you.

If you have received notification of our contractors intended visit there will be a contact number and email address on your letter. Please contact our contractor direct to arrange a suitable time for them to visit. Alternatively, you can email us at customerservice@powerwater.com.au or call us on 1800 245 092 and one of our contact centre staff will be able to assist you.

Recorded electricity use

Your recorded use could be more than expected for a number of reasons. It may be that:

  • due to weather conditions some appliances are being used more than previous years
  • there may have been additional people staying with you
  • an appliance may be faulty
  • the old meter was not recording your electricity use accurately.

Please contact your electricity retailer for all your meter reading, recorded use and billing enquiries.


Power and Water workers will be wearing their high-vis yellow and navy uniforms with the Power and Water logo on the shirt and trousers and they will carry a Power and Water ID card. Our contractors will also wear appropriate high-vis clothing and carry a Power and Water contractor ID card. All of our workers will show you their ID cards before they enter your property.

No. Internal wiring is the responsibility of the home owner. If our workers detect a:

  • non-compliance issue on your side of the meter you will be advised to engage an NT licenced electrician to rectify the issue.
  • life threatening issue on your side of the meter the power will be disconnected and you will be advised to engage an NT licenced electrician to rectify the issue and provide Power and Water with a Certificate of Compliance before power will be restored.

In both of these instances it’s important we have your up to date contact information that will allow us to contact you as soon as we are aware of an issue. Email us at customerservice@powerwater.com.au or call 1800 245 092 and one of our contact centre staff will take your details.

If the backing board is found to be asbestos and non-friable (can’t be crushed by hand pressure) and work can be carried out safely we will replace the meter on the existing backing board.

If the backing board is found to be friable asbestos (can be crushed by hand pressure) or needs to be replaced for another reason we will arrange a second visit to your property for a qualified asbestos removalist to attend and safely replace it and the meter, at no cost to you.

Health authorities around the world, including the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency and the World Health Organization, have examined the scientific evidence regarding possible health effects from smart meters. Current research indicates that there are no established health effects from the low exposure to the radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic energy (EME) from smart meters. You can see more information at

New smart meters can be read remotely and will greatly reduce the need for workers to physically enter your property in the future. Smart meters are also compatible with rooftop solar export – so no need for you to purchase a new meter if you intend to install solar panels.

Meter security

Smart meters measure the amount of electricity used and are not used for electricity charges or tariffs (with the exception of prepayment meters where the tariff is programmed into the meter).

No. The smart meters we use do not have WiFi connectivity. They are read using their own modems on the Telstra and Optus networks and are not capable of connecting to private networks.

An air conditioner load control program is not available in the Northern Territory.

The only significant air conditioner load control program in Australia is Energex’s Peaksmart, in south east Queensland. It does not use smart meters for load control and cannot set the temperature of an air conditioner.

Meter testing

We test meters to ensure they continue to operate correctly and are measuring electricity use accurately. The mechanical meters may slow as they age and as the internal parts wear may not record your usage accurately. We test meters in accordance with the National Electricity Rules (Northern Territory).

Not all meters tested will be replaced at that time. If found to be accurate generally they will remain in place. However, if the meter is nearing the end of its expected operational life we may take the opportunity to upgrade it now instead of waiting and having to return to the property and interrupt our customer’s power supply again.

Our workers need to interrupt your power supply for everyone's safety and to connected the meter to an alternative power source that has been set with a known consumption amount.

The meter reading will be compared with the known pre-set consumption amount to determine its accuracy.

Accuracy requirements vary depending on the meter type and energy flow through the meter. Meters go from class +/- 0.5% for the largest installations to +/-2.0% for most residential customers with a mechanical meter. Smart meters for residential customers have to be within +/-1.5%. You can see more information in Chapter 7A Metering, of the National Electricity Rules - Northern Territory, available at https://energy-rules.aemc.gov.au/ntner/366.