An innovative approach to recruitment has seen 11 apprentices, across 4 fields, and 2 trainees start an exciting career with Power and Water Corporation. They join 5 new graduates, plus 28 apprentices, 7 graduates, 8 business trainees and 1 water operation trainee who are already part of the Power and Water team across the Northern Territory.

Power and Water partners with GTNT Group to host apprentices and trainees, with the partnership spanning more than 30 years. This year there were more than 400 applications for the Power and Water roles.

Power and Water’s Executive General Manager Power Services, Belinda Small said the partnership has delivered excellent outcomes, with 4 wins at the 2024 GTNT Group Awards, including Host Business of the Year. The awards recognise apprentices, trainees, supervisors and businesses going above and beyond in their ongoing training and development.

‘We’re constantly exploring how to build and grow our team in the most successful and efficient way,’ Ms Small said. ‘And it’s always exciting to welcome new people to the team.

‘New faces mean new ideas, approaches, skills and outlooks, which is excellent for our organisation. Our focus is on developing local talent from across the Territory.’

Jodie Havens is one of the new faces. She has joined the Power Services team in Darwin as an apprentice. Her dad is a tradie and she’s always been his offsider.

‘I’ve been his little apprentice my whole life,’ she said. ‘So, when I was thinking about what I wanted to do, I wanted something hands-on so I could learn as I work. I’m excited to learn skills and all the nitty gritty stuff about electricity.’

Will Flanagan is joining Power and Water as a trainee with Water Services in Katherine. Having lived interstate, he’s keen to be back in his hometown.

‘I’m looking forward to the combination of working with my hands and working with my brain,’ he said. ‘The lab side, and water production and treatment for drinking water, I find really interesting. Ultimately, I’d like to get into project management.’

Dennis Jevdenijevic applied as an apprentice with Power Services in Darwin 2 years ago and just missed out. He was encouraged to apply again last year and was accepted, then had to defer due to personal unforeseen circumstances.

‘Power and Water was kind enough to hold a position for me this year. I’m extremely grateful for this opportunity,’ he said.

‘Learning new things and the opportunities that come with Power and Water are exciting. It’s exciting to see what you can grow into within the organisation.’

Launched last year, the new recruitment process is part of a strategic initiative to continuously build and maintain a high level of skilled, in-house expertise across the organisation. Shortlisted apprenticeship and trainee candidates participate in an assessment centre, where they are evaluated through group activities, individual practical tasks and written exercises. This gives a holistic view of their strengths and skills.

To learn more about Power and Water’s apprenticeship, traineeship, and graduate opportunities, visit website.