The concept design contract for Stage 2 of the Strauss Water Treatment Plant has been awarded to Jacobs. Stage 2 will support the proposed Adelaide River Off-stream Water Storage (AROWS) project, which will take advantage of a naturally occurring basin next to the Adelaide River to store water. Modelling shows AROWS could hold around 250 gigalitres of water.

Stage 1 of the Strauss Water Treatment Plant is already under construction as part of the Manton Dam Return to Service project. This will see the reservoir become an operational drinking water supply source. Once complete in 2026, the project will provide an additional 7,300 megalitres a year into the Darwin region water supply system while remaining open as a recreational destination.

The projects are all part of the broader Darwin Region Water Supply Infrastructure Program, designed to secure the region’s water future.

Stephen Vlahovic, Power and Water Executive General Manager Water Services, said the awarding of the concept design contract is an important milestone.

‘This is a significant step towards delivering innovative water treatment solutions and water security for the Northern Territory,’ Mr Vlahovic said.

‘Power and Water will continue to collaborate with the Northern Territory and Australian Governments to secure a safe and reliable water supply, which will support our community and underpin population and economic growth in our region while safeguarding resources for future generations.’

The concept design for Stage 2 will incorporate best-practice, contemporary water-treatment technologies to deliver the highest standards of efficiency and reliability. The concept design and cost estimate are expected to be completed by the end of 2025.

Mr Vlahovic acknowledged the local knowledge of the Jacobs team would be vital for the success of the project.

‘It is critical the successful applicant has a firm understanding of the Northern Territory and our environment, to support the best possible outcome for Territorians,’ he said. ‘The contract will support local jobs and engage the right people.’

Jacobs Senior Vice President and General Manager, Australia/New Zealand, Camille McGregor said the company has plenty of Territory experience.

‘Jacobs is thrilled to partner with Power and Water Corporation to develop a concept design for this vital project for the Northern Territory,’ she said.

‘We’re proud of our long history in the Territory and our local team in Darwin look forward to playing our part in securing a safe and reliable water supply into the future.’

Stage 1 of the Strauss Water Treatment Plant was made possible by a partnership between the Northern Territory Government and the Australian Government, through the National Water Grid Authority, and an investment of more than $300 million. The construction of Stage 2 is subject to a future investment decision by the Northern Territory and Australian Governments.

Construction of the new water treatment plant is progressing.


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